Sketch it Out

Ideas come and go. Embrace them all draw them out. Erase some stick to some mix them a bit or jumble them up. Keep drawing and believe in yourself and the best will come out at some point. Some ideas are brilliant, a maybe or a tale of woe.

I heard one time I think it was on Ninja Mountain Scrolls someone said that one has a stack of paper and somewhere in that stack there is a good drawing but one has to draw and excavate it out.


Kind of like this

One friend and I had a discussion sometimes one has to adapt with sometimes the things you want or objective is obtainable but not in the way one thought it was supposed to be ideally like. Things happen in unexpected ways. 

Over thinking overload @____@!
I ain't no slacking!
The drafts will decrease!

Artistic Magic (one can call that)
One makes it seem effortless but there is a lot of effort!

Ahem* Just some presentable stuff not every single scribble I do...

One topic I'd like to include on the Painting series in the upcoming weeks is the use of color. Basic mixing and such. One thing that I like to do in a painting or a colored drawing is to use colors that normally one would not want to use or associate a topic with this contradicting- color.

Such sometimes for an effect I'll add a tid bit of green when rendering skin. But it doesn't look gnarly.  

As the movie Inception says Positive emotions trump negative emotions every single time.

So right now I'm working on Musings & Quips of an Artist, Illustration work, some fan arts and a series of canvas paintings of one of my favorite subjects in life....That I want to have a solo art show of this magnum opus.

sketch I'm slowly working on Scribble here and there.

I challenged myself to draw in a bigger sketch book that I've had for awhile 11x17!! so I'm drawing larger Its a pretty thick book that I will fill up! 320 pages of an epic tale. 640 front n' back.

25 Minute drawings>>>>>

Best part: Parts of the song and the melody is cut off from their song foreign language. 
I didn't realize it until I hummed it. 


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