No More Heroes III E3 Announcement

Just another average day in the city of Santa Destroy...Y'know trying to stay alive being the world's #1 assassin. No More Heroes was my surprise game that was announced during E3 this year. 

I'm hyped because this series was up in the air for a continuation. The reveal is more surprising when you never expect it to be made! One of my favorite genres of games is stylized fighting. There aren't much of them made real well. A lot of games these days are super easy. This is a difficult game but not impossible when you want to throw controllers and such.

I've played this a handful of times
I gave my copy away to a friend.
No More Heroes is one of the few games I've played where it is not about saving the world. Travis Touchdown is an otaku trying to support his habit by becoming an assassin, working part time jobs while trying to impress and bang the hot french chick. NMH has a bunch of innuendo, cliche but not so cliche plot twists, modern day references and 4th wall jokes. That yeah this is the game in order to recharge Travis' beam katana you have to shake the controller and he looks like he is jacking off. You'd be in the middle of a huge boss and have to take care of that.

I think NMH:Paradise was the first game I got a Platinum trophy on my psn. The last un-lockable mode in the game is Very Sweet mode. One of my friends questioned why play a game on super easy mode after beating it on Very Hard...well it never gets old doing one hit kills. If that mode is available then why not? I don't care much for the more scantily clad women in that particular game mode. 

That magical girl sequence was awesome! 
The first time I saw the trailer I saw the censored version.
When you watch the censored version it really cuts a lot out.

The plot twists and 4th wall are real yo. 
This is one of the reasons I love this game. 

Well time to consider getting a Nintendo Switch. Nintendo must've heard me talking smack years ago that there isn't any good games on or in development for the switch.
Boy am I wrong. There have been a lot of good announcements.

While I'm at it just throwing it out there with all the remakes going on Mario Kart Double Dash needs one...! I'm pretty right about these things, this is the one I'm surprised hasn't been remade yet. My game Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is getting a hd upgrade and online multiplayer later this year. Yay! Online! I don't have real life gamer friends because I don't know how to play nice with others. I like to win!

On last week
Unfortunately last week I wasn't able to see Jupiter close up with my telescope.
Long story short I got this telescope for free...I am able to look and be content with 
looking at moon craters but that is about it. This telescope is not really good
I wouldn't give it to someone as a gift, that would be such a cruel joke.
Oh well. I'll save for a better telescope in the future. I'll see Jupiter again in opposition, it
is not like Halley's comet, a once in a lifetime kind of event.  
For now I'll use my imagination to draw something cool. 👍

This is my jam right now. All stuck in my head.


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