Retrospective of Walt Gonske

This past week I was fortunate to formally introduce myself to 
one of my mentor's best friend Walt Gonske. 
He signed and gave me one of his books. 
It has been an honor that in the last few years or so I have been
able to meet all of the surviving members of the legendary Taos Six artists.

I love the bright vibrant colors and attention to light. Incredible that 
all of these paintings are plein air. 

Awhile back an old gallery assistant told me the value of the book decreases when an 
autograph is personally addressed to you. I honestly don't care and rather would have the intrinsic sentimental value of something than the extrinsic motivation.

Here is my favorite painting done by my mentor.
I absolutely love how this painting tricks your eyes into looking into the background first
and then in foreground. Man, it would be something to actually see it in person. 

If you are up not too late tonight folks the Strawberry moon is visible and so is my favorite planet Saturn! I mean you won't see it's rings but that bright star near the moon is Saturn. = D The moon isn't a rosy color either.


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