Gas Works Park

Ever since last year maintaining balance has been an important aspect of my life to me. At least attempt to. Too much or not enough of something isn't good. I blame it on my upbringing I don't know how to relax at times, or I feel like a terrible person for chilling and relaxing. Its either work hard or play hard, one or the other. I'm trying to balance where I don't work too much or be a total slouch.  

It's great to catch up with friends I haven't heard from awhile. Once again balance, it is either I am not available or too available, not just always being consistently around.

The other week I felt like not eating dinner at home, and went to a local park named Gas Works. I took some photos there for reference. I have a huge soft spot for old buildings.  

Then Last week I attended 2 workshops online back to back marathon. 

Apparently some of us from Brainstorm are senpais now. As I say from the Season 1 OG WB1 of Keshan's class from 2020. 


I mentioned I took pics of some old buildings that reminded me of the game The Last of Us, and there were a few artists interesting in seeing steampunk like stuff, I uploaded my images on discord. 

My Sensei ended up seeing the reference and wanted to paint something after getting his work done. He asked if he could use my photo as a reference. Ended up staying up with another artist watching a demo until like 4am. As far as I know its called WTF01.  

I don't mind sharing artistic ideas as long as it is not like my Middle School class whom half of the class would look at what I was drawing and try to straight up copy what I was doing. I think it is interesting to share an idea with another fellow artist and see what they come up with, and usually it is something completely different that what I would do, even if it is the same theme. 


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