Life Figure Drawings

I do my best to attend life drawing figure drawing sessions. I go here and there and my attendance has gotten better again.

Nothing like studying doing life drawing. It raises your spacial awareness and helps you "see" form.

Even if I have a crappy drawing I learn something and can apply things I've seen and cataloged into figure drawings I do from imagination.

My drawings aren't the best but I have come a long way since my first life figure drawings.

Non-artist people ask me all the time, "Do I mind drawing naked people?" or as some people say nudies.... I personally don't and it is no different to me than drawing a cone, sphere, square, still life orange or apple. Usually I'm so engrossed in my drawing that when I see the models out and about

I've gotten back to using pastels and colored charcoal in the 25 minute poses.
This model Tuesday she is a small lady who is under 5ft tall...but she has a
commanding presence on paper and on the stand!


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