Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year! 2019!

Oi! It is still something of getting used to the fact of seeing and writing 2019 on documents! Hope everyone had a good holiday.

Mine was relaxing and chill. I was completely off and snowed in. I made Pinoy food and promptly binge watched Stranger Things Season 2 and played video games.


Back from a unplanned hiatus I hope to deliver new and improved content. 

I took a small break and feel my creative juices and batteries recharged. 
Break time is over and look forward to my future projects and endeavors 
with much enthusiasm and focus.

Some traumatic things happened in 2018...but also equally better things  
countered and balanced out those terrible things.

I hate to make New Years resolutions...and mine is not to make any. Momentum and Progress doesn't always need to coordinated in January and given up on the same month. People seem to always give up on their New Years resolutions...and set themselves up for failure for huge life changing tasks. Best way is to start small and then eventually make bigger steps.

Took this the other day. The moon, Jupiter and Venus in view

Thank you for reading and support!


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