The bane to my existence is losing my surface pro pen, I'll find it sometime today... I hope. Don't have a backup pen for that one. So instead sketched with Sepia Prismacolor Col-Erase pencil & Moleskine sketchbook.
I've been super busy with some rush jobs and having normal deadlines back to back. But popped in a drawing session google meetup tonight. I've gotten to the point I hate doing rush jobs unless I like the client and I'm getting paid mega well for it. These days I try not to bring extra stress into my life or completing assignments last minute. Been there done that.
Sometimes the ways I come up with ideas is just random. Random connections just connect. Its like changing channels on TV. Skips arounds and then settle on something. I don't mind sharing ideas with other artists because most of the time they'll create something different than I would. Someone was drawing a Post Apocalyptic nurse and I'm going to use the prompt as well. But my idea is different than what they had going on.

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