Things have happened I'm doing better but ok.
Probably the past ten years or so my New Years Resolution has been not to make one. Honestly I don't think I have ever seen a successful resolution that someone has truly kept all year in fruition. I see so many people get discouraged and give up on their goals. I find it that when you set smaller achievable goals eventually they add up to something bigger. I don't see the logic of why wait till January to become a better person or delay the do the thing you want to do?
It can be hard at times.
Enthusiasm is like a flame they say, you have to keep it burning, going, feeding it consistently.
One thing I don't get with people and their resolutions is like why wait until January to go on trendy diets. I am one of those that sees the word DIE in diet. I don't diet but do things my own way, and eat what I want. With light exercise and cutting out sugar I lost over 20lbs this summer.
I didn't wait until the new year to do that. Losing that amount of weight takes consistency and time. It isn't easy and with my health condition it makes it harder than a normal person. My lack of progress was thwarted by weighing myself on a broken scale at work. I didn't think I was going anywhere and thought something was wrong with me again. I didn't know the scale I was using was broken until I went to the Doctor. I couldn't see my progress clearly as I was going through it. I was discouraged and frustrated at times but I didn't give up.
One of my major pet peeves is I get tired and annoyed after awhile of when people complain about the same thing and do nothing to get out of said situation. Especially if its something they can be changed in their control.
Complaining is a luxury.

The other day I got an ipad pro! I was going to buy buy myself a kindle tablet for Christmas but then realized I could get an old ipad for almost the same price. It has more accessories and support. Before I bought one I mentioned it to my sister. It turned out my sister had an extra ipad pro she thought was broken lying around and gave it to me. Never used really. After looking at it I don't really consider it broken, it is bent and has a few scruffs but fully operational. It is essentially new. She even gave me her apple pencil! It is incredible it picks up line sensitivity and pressure! I'm a late adopter to new technology!
I am super excited and can't thank her enough. I can sketch digitally on the go. Or I don't have to be at my desk to draw. My command station isn't mobile but part of it is now. This weekend it was nice I could wander around my house and draw and watch tv where ever!
There are many art apps on the ipad to experiment with. Everyone likes the drawing app Procreate, but I like Paintstorm Studio. PSS is modeled after photoshop with the menus and terms so the learning curve is a little easier for me. I haven't created a full on painting but I like starting the sketch, and hopefully will learn soon how to export layers as well.

Well stay tuned! And Sorry about the wait!
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