Lately I have been doing a lot back to basics stuff of fundamental drawing and to get past the time of doing rigorous work at the easel I watch Feng Zhu Design Cinema and John Park's Pateron videos.
Recently I have bought a new TV and have it hooked up to my PS3. My main source of television for years is primarily YouTube. I don't have cable. I have the app on the PlayStation and if you have to app on your phone or electronic device as well you can cast what is on your device to the TV pretty easily. Because the layout and interface on the Ps3 app sucks so they enabled consumers to use the mobile app instead.
Feng Zhu is a phenomenal artist who worked on concepts on movies and games such as the Star Wars prequels, transformers and other notable big franchises. With much of his success Zhu gives back his knowledge on a series he created called Design Cinema when he has an opportunity....despite opening his own school in Singapore called FZD School of Design he posts them on youtube account for FREE!

Back on point for years I have been watching and keeping up with the Design Cinema series for years since it's release about 6 years ago. I initially started following Feng Zhu after purchasing almost all of his DVDs through the Gnomon workshops because of his knowledge of perspective.
When Zhu first started the series it was mainly a weekly release but as his schedule grew busier he releases episodes while he can. With almost 90 episodes I have only watched the episodes that seemed interesting and cool to me. To really reap Feng Zhu's knowledge I started watching all the episodes in chronological manner. The episodes are informative and range from 10 minutes to almost an hour at times and some episodes include multiple parts.
Watch it as a playlist or individual episodes
Currently I am at episode 28. Hearing him speak and seeing what he has doing has increased my digital painting skills after coming back to watch these with more art fundamentals than before to understand what he is doing and why. So I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve now with speed. As my friend made aware to me March is a truly busy month!
Also for some inspiring and motivating images check out Feng Zhu's blog for showcasing student work. Beware it will slow your bandwidth way down! :Click Here:
A little bit of awesome sauce!
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