One thing I love about Concept Art is I like doing research. Also it gives me an excuse to look at pictures of random stuff and feed my imagination. My interest in history and art helps with the story telling process.
Right now these past few weeks I've been doing Viking themes, drawings and research.
Along with my theme - Treasure room - Tomb - are the keywords to the story I want to convey.
Vikings historically would steal stuff and weren't really self sufficient.
Their boats were light enough that some parts could be taken off and the boats were also light enough to carried by the vikings. They reaped havoc in early Britain by traveling and raiding riverside villages. Their raids were not predictable, they would pop up out of no where and leave quickly.
These are just bare bones thumbnails but they already read composition-wise.
Each one of these has the potential to become a full concept or illustration.
I am practicing quick but solid sketching.
The more work you do in the beginning stages it sets the stage and structure of the illustration.
Strengthening one thing then you realize you need to work on improving something else. Man everything is a balance. Now I need to work on my rendering skills.

Random songs I've been listening to.
The Gap Band - You Dropped a Bomb on Me Not into cowboys but his outfit is pretty cool design.
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