Glad I nabbed it when I did because once again the product is sold out, and you can't find it on ebay either. People like it! Man, I really like it too!
Find Xp Pen here https://www.xp-pen.com/product/541.html
and this is Wacom's equivalent https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wacom-cintiq-22-pen-display/6361711.p?skuId=6361711 and this one doesn't have express keys. If you want some you have to get the peripheral. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1303599-REG/wacom_ack411050_expresskey_remote.html The more top of the line models do not include a stand despite being thousands of dollars.
Wacom is the leading graphic tablet company. In recent years the Wacom knock offs are pretty good, the technology has gotten better and it is priced competitively.
Like Geico I saved $500 dollars or more on this tablet. On the tablet itself, stand and accessories.
This is my first drawing tablet monitor and I wanted something in the mid price point not cheap but then not something way outside my budget. Art school has taught me to draw with my entire arm and not just my wrist. With 22 inches of active screen area I can place my entire forearm and make nice sweeping strokes with my entire arm. Yay! For the last 10 years or so I like the larger tablets compared to the small and medium ones.
The Xp pen has 8042 pressure sensitivity. My large wacom tablet intuos 5 from 2013 still works and has 2042 pressure sensitivity. It still works well but the pens took the majority of the beating. I went through 2 pens and my 3rd pen only 1 button out of 2 functioning. I getting used to that I can just look at the monitor and draw on it.
XP Pen 22R Pro comes with 20 programable express keys on the tablet and two scroll wheels. One wheel on each side. This device also comes stand included! 2 extra pens, a glove, and all the cables you need.
The screen has a nice matte finish, which was one of the perks that sold this product for me. Also from the reviews I've seen this tablet has the best pen tilt support. I am a pen tilter and tilt my pencil a lot to draw certain lines. I like how the pen build is light and thin, just wish the express keys on it was a tad bit higher.
When deciding which product was right for me, I watched many reviews on youtube like Brad Colbow and Lisa from Mobile Tech Review.

With the reviews I was warned ahead of time that the drivers and getting started can be a pain. It took me awhile to set it up.
Pen doesn't have an eraser. So I use an express key to switch between brush and eraser mode.
On the pen itself I have been spoiled into using one of the short cut keys as the eyedropper tool. I noticed it wasn't being responsible on the pen, but works ok as an express key. I emailed XP Pen about this issue I encountered. I was pleasantly surprised they have been quick to respond to me and attentive to this issue. After a few bouts of dialog they asked me for video logs of this issue, which I provided. I hope they fix this issue quickly. It is nice with small companies sometimes you can ask for certain features and if they can they'll deliver and integrate it into the program.
It is awesome I can use my real tools into my workflow now.
This curved ruler is called a french curve.

For now I have the express key shortcuts the way I like it for the most part.
I hear you can set a specific different setup for each program. I haven't figured out how to do this yet.
Once I have the button customization set completely, I'll make my custom keys available
pc and mac os as a download.
Also some people have put labels on where their keys are to tell them what it is.
I determined where naturally I feel I would press a button. I think maybe since I play games and I can memorize button pattern presses pretty quickly. But if there is any doubt on the bottom of the screen will show in green what you pressed on the express key. If need be the keyboard is on the left to enter shortcuts.
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Learned that hitting alt on mac os will mirror a monitor. Mirroring has to be set for at least 1 screen for the tablet to work. |

Drawing on the tablet feels nice and like real painting where you take a brief moment to dip your pen in the color wheel.
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So now I have a dedicated monitor again for references and tv. Also can run Adobe Bridge with no issues. |

I can say I am overall happy with this product.

Then I also got 4 8gb ram modules to get 32gb of ram, so there wouldn't be any more hiccup with workflow. I put off this upgrade for a few years, should've done it sooner was worth it.
Apparently whoever had this computer before me installed 3 different brands of ram in there! It is recommended one buys the same brand for all your rams. Fascinating now the computer doesn't make this computer nibbling noise when I run something intensive. I think with having 3 different rams made that noise!
Out of all the computers I had, this was the most difficult ram removal and insertion that I have ever done. It took me a few hours to get it right. It was like an annoying video game mini game where I had to guess which side (It was the opposite shown on screen to what was on the back of the computer) to install and getting the computer to see it!
I screwed that back panel off and on many times!
For safety waited an extra few minutes after the computer was off so I wouldn't shock myself!
After all that frustration and time it has been worth it!

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