Happy New Year...!,
I cannot believe in a day it will be the year 2020. Overall when people think of bucket lists and such 2019 overall was a terrible year. A lot of bad things happened that I don't want to recount. Only difference this year I had more strength to fight off some of my demons.
It wasn't entirely bad but one good highlight is I went to see my best friend of 20 years who we didn't see each other in person for 14 years. It started when my boss asked if I was going anywhere for the summer and quickly said nope! I thought about it all weekend, took a long 6 hour round trip drive then realized the barriers I had before preventing me from traveling wasn't there anymore such as having my own car and listening to my Dad's lame excuses of not doing things. I said yes instead of no and because why not?

Today I got this with a fortune cookie. Does this mean today with half day work and middle of the week day off??? Ha! I don't do much on the weekends except work a little, play games and catch up on sleep. Funny how some people won't bother me at certain times in the day because they know I am asleep!
I hope this year will be better and more exciting. Best wishes and regards. Hopefully in 2020 I'll be able to see with my blind eyes and realize and work on my core goals. It will be difficult to write 2019 and try to loop and fix it with 2020!
Thanks so much
See you next year.
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