But Mulder does.

I'm an avid fan of the X-files. I watch it off and on and am almost done with season 4.
My favorite episode is Jose Chung's it came from Outer Space. Where practically everyone is a unreliable narrator and spoiler the mystery doesn't get solved because of all the contradictory evidence.

My skeleton manikin is named Scully after Dr. Scully.
I lost his bow tie making him more gentleman like.
For this painting I'm in the thumbnail/sketch research phase. I have a solid idea of what I want to do, even though it just looks like scribbles. Its the extra details like the the host worm the smoking man,
I spend a lot of time in the research and reference part, albeit too much time. Sometimes for a single illustration I can find and take 300+ images to look at. Just to gain a better understanding of the subject matter and more ideas.

All these scribbles mean something. I can see this drawing in my mind but need to fill in the blanks.
Sketching something again and again can also help to pinpoint what you want to achieve. The first few thumbnails I did the characters didn't have the gesture I wanted. With gesture drawing at times it is best to draw it quick and fluid.
Once I get out of this idea/sketch/reference stage. I'll show more of the progress. This may all look like chicken scratch but I can see most of this in my mind already.
I want to make a cool sticker or t-shirt design.

I generally like phycological thrillers, humor and stylized flashy action. It's actually weird to say my favorite show is a romance called Fated to Love You. Its in Taiwanese and all the characters are good. Even the side characters are hilarious and the show makes you laugh and cry.
The larger portraits were just an excuse to draw on paper while watching t.v.
It won't be part of the final illustration. An example of sketching to better understand the subjects.
If I have paper and a drawing instrument in front of me I can't help but draw.

Drawn with water soluble graphite & water brush.
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