Inktober 2018 Drawings Complete!

This year I was able to complete 31 Inktober drawings!
I also did an extra bonus round of another drawing making it 32!

🙌      🙌     🙌     🙌      🙌      🙌     👊

Maybe I'll go for 50? There were so many game characters I missed that I wanted to draw!

I finished sketching last week and finished inking this weekend.

22) Link from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. The best one in the series in my opinion. Know this game like the back of my hand. I've played a lot of them and beaten ones like Phantom Hourglass without any cheats. 

23) Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. A classick! (Yes I spelled it wrong on purpose.) When the gameplay and story was good before it got too complicated and serious. The dry humor is one of the best parts of the game. I highly dislike how the story is so complex that its up its own @ss.

24) Liquid Snake's young version from Metal Gear Solid 5 the Phantom Pain. Annoying as ever but less annoying as a child. 

25) Navi from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time....Cheat day. 

26) Catherine with a C from the game Catherine.


27) Katherine with a K from Catherine. Theres a point in the game when all the ladies in the game show their batshish crazy angry side. 

28) Vincent Brooks from Catherine. The main character you play in Catherine. This again is one of the few games I've played where the story does not entail saving the world. You help Vincent get through these nightmares stages he has where if he dies he dies in real life. He faces a crisis in his life of does he stay with his long term girlfriend Katherine who nags that he doesn't seem to care deeply about or Catherine the one night stand who is totally his type. Both women are named Catherine. Depending on how you play the game is how it goes, it has 8 different endings and next year the enhanced version with more content will be released. 
This is one of the unique games you have to try to try because explaining it does no good. I'm replaying this currently and am more than halfway through.

Ugh! I dropped my brush pen on this portrait. I kept with the rule with not editing mistakes out. So I flipped it to be part of the drawing the best I could without looking like a obvious mistake. 

29) Blaze Fielding Streets of Rage. One of my favorite games on the sega genesis. I would always play her and my sister would play Axel Stone. We got close to beating the game twice... Friendly fire was in this game and we would always duke it out with each other over stupid things. Like stealing health items when you didn't need it and then beating the other to one little bar of life left to be murdered on the next part of the level. So technically the other wasn't responsible for hindering progress in the game. 

30) Coco from Crash Bandicoot. Usually when there is an option to play a female character in a game I'll play her. 

31) Sonic the Hedgehog from Sonic. I loved this game as a kid. One of the three games where I would try to repeatedly draw the characters or environments. I would also do this with Crash Bandicoot and Pokemon. For those games I had a Schoolastic how to draw book as well.  At the height of my obsession I would defeat all the enemies in the level and then go back and pick a favorite spot and attempt to draw Sonic and the background I chose.

32) Bonus Round Nariko from Heavenly Sword. Wanted to draw a strong female character and her gorgeous long flowing red hair. 

Thanks for viewing!
I'm so glad I was able to complete Inktober abeit it being slightly late. 
But I finished it! 

Yesterday my boss texts 


Basically this commercial summed up my day of sleeping and playing videogames. 

Except for the real life side mission
of dropping house keys in snow. 🙀
Obtain spare house keys in neighboring town.
Beware of icy roads.

It ain't Mario Kart where the winner is the fastest one...

These two are my favorite songs at the moment.


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