On Day 17 I was able to catch up on Inktober. Yay! Everyday since then I've been doing my Inktobers from sketch to finish.

My goals and intentions were to practice:
1) Using ink medium better, with awareness of line weights.
2) 31 days of different portraits and styles.
3) Above all my technical goal was to draw different angles and facial expressions.
This idea clicked on #10 because I only was doing smiling and neutral faces and doing 20 more of these won't improve my skills much.
Next post I'll go in depth with materials used.
One of my favorite parts is looking at the sketch part and the inked part. Right when I'm about to erase the quick sketch lines.
All of these are about the size of a sticky note.

02) Was the enchanted bottle Stan was locked in for 300 years. I used pen and nib and it didn't go well...
03) Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere.
I redrew this twice. Sometimes keeping it simple is best. Redrawing can be quicker than noodling on one drawing forever and having nasty marks all over the paper.
04) Oswald from Odin Sphere.
You know a game is hard when you played and put in 52 hours in the game and you aren't fully ready for the final boss! >:O

I misplaced 05 and drew two. But I reorganized it in the order I drew it in.
05) Oliver from Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
06) Rosalyn from Okage: Shadow King. The "hero" who is a foil to Stan's diabolical plans. She has a major grudge against him for ruining her shadow. She believes her career as a professional hero is decimated and carries the pink parasol to hide her pink shadow. She has a pretty cool theme.
Around here I felt more comfortable with the medium and getting smoother lines and line thickness.
07 Ari the real main character of Okage: Shadow King. He is "Overshadowed" and is the host of Stan. I relate a lot to his character when I was younger because for most of the game his opinions and feelings do not matter. He starts this whole adventure because of the whims of other people imposing on him. This was at the time it was rare for games to let you input different dialog options.
I drew thin lines to try to emphasize the personality.
08) Linda from Okage: Shadow King. One of my favorite inktobers where I experimented with violet ink from the copic multiliner.
09) Epros from Okage: Shadow King. Here was when I decided I wanted to try different angles instead of the classic front and side face postitions.
10) Princess Marlene from Okage Shadow King. I was tired of drawing beautiful people and wanted to draw a tired ugly princess. Failed attempt to draw down looking up.

11) Gutten Kisling from Okage: Shadow King. Creeper dude who is a scholar: loves ghosts, paranormal activity, beautiful women and toenail clippings. For being such a weirdo he has one of the most romantic persistent theme songs of the game.
12) Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat Series. Needed a break from drawing anime and cartoons. My favorite character when I play MK. Plus glacier blue is one of my favorite colors. Sub-Zero Wins!
13) Chun Li from Street Fighter Series Just had to draw the first lady of fighting games.
14) The Assassin named Altair ibn La'Ahad in Assassin's Creed Another break and needed to draw in semi-realism. I'm happy with the results in blacking out the full hood. That part was not planned. I was going to leave it blank. Another one of my favorite entries.

15) Pikachu from Pokemon Series. Again playing with expressions and drawing a ugly mortified Pikachu. Pikachu I do not choose you! Not the favorite anymore! Was the pokemon I drew a lot as a kid. Pokemon Yellow was my game. I was so good at this game no one in the neighborhood wanted or dared to play or challenge me. At a young age I learned you play to win with no mercy! People say I'm competitive...I see it as I like to win a lot and care about that a lot more than you do.
16) Snorlax from Pokemon Series. Probably my favorite pokemon from gen 1. He's a handful and kind does what he wants in battle. There have been times he would fall asleep! Mid-day naps are dope though! He has high hp and heals through his restful naps. With normal type pokemon I would teach him random attacks like surf or blizzard...the element of surprise.

17) 05) I drew twice accidently but this was the last I drew on the 17th.
Big Bull from Okage: Shadow King. This last entry of drawing Okage characters. Unless I draw James...Who wants to draw a character with the same name as one of your exes? I sure don't for now.

18) Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes. For my barely legal submission.
One of the few games I've played where the story does not entail saving the world at all.
This guy buys a beam katana from ebay and to support his lifestyle as an otaku and takes up a job as an assassin. He has moe anime magical girls on his shirt. To add more comedy to the mix he makes up his mind to become #1 assassin in the world because on the promise that maybe Sylvia Christel from the United Assassin's Association would sleep with him. Thinking he would never be #1 Sylvia agrees. Travis Strikes again seems like its gonna be an awesome game when it comes out!
Suda 51 says his character is modeled after Johnny Knoxville from Jackass.
When I was drawing this I heard something funny and drew a pouty face. XD

19) Sylvia Christel from No More Heroes.
Didn't nail the look I was going for. Wanted to draw an annoyed nonchalant look but it ended up
looking worried.
20) Henry Cooldown from No More Heroes
"You're a disgrace to yourself, and all those you killed."
He's the secret boss from No More Heroes and is extremely super hard. I had to hear that quote countless times and for some reason if I fail so bad at something in real life that voice pops in my head. This battle was a intense battle of reflexes. <Insert Bragging rights> I beat this game on Bitter mode! And got the platinum trophy for this game.
I gave my copy of the game to my friend and she can't get pastd the first boss because you have to learn to dodge properly and get real close to the enemy and have to be extremely patient and reactive reflexes.
Henry is the cool guy whos good at everything and has everything. But it doesn't seem his wife likes him too much.
21) Shinobu Jacobs from No More Heroes
"You killed my father!"

I think her character was based off of Afro Samurai.
Final entry for Day 21 so far.

A tangent in art is when two lines connect in an unintended unsatisfactory way. For example you drew a table with an apple on it and the apple lines converge with the doorknob in the background. Stuff like that. In this case the hair and the corner of the lip touch. That's a No no na-uh in art.
I won't point all of my mistakes in all the drawings. Even in high school art we got lectured on tangents!
Since these are practice I won't go too critical on myself. Least I am aware of this mistake.
Thank you! Until Next time
10 more days!
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