As a kid and early teen one reason I was motivated to draw was because of Anime. Until the explosion of youtube back in 2006...It was something like video games I didn't have much access to at home, but at other people's houses.
Personally I don't draw in distinct anime style but once in awhile I'll sketch something anime-like just to poke fun.
One method I used all the time to gauge progress as a self taught artist would be redrawing something I've drawn before. Whether it being a single idea or concept of a particular drawing.
Sometimes improvement could be seen.
Either big leaps or small increments.
High school Junior compared to College Freshman (Pre Art School)
This was my sister's OC.

Art school Sophomore.
There was a credit cap I could transfer at my art school.
So I started as a few credits shy Freshman going into Sophomore year again.
Not the same character as the OC but based of a drawing I did as a 12 year old.
Man I loved those spikes.
I thought the spikes were awesome and edgy as an emo kid.
I'll have to find my original notebook again. It is filled with redraws from the so called future.
All of the fill in entries were terrible.
Well, Hopefully this next month I'll find something embarrassing that I thought was extremely good and redraw it into something better and be embarrassed about that again in the future!
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