The other week someone asked what exactly do I do on Saturdays and I shrugged, "Portrait painting."
He replied, "That is way over my head." Pun totally intended.
I look forward to it along with the quick gesture drawings.
Sometimes I have awesome portrait drawings and other times the painting looks terrible but it is fun and fascinating to draw and paint portraits. Improvement and progress is slow at times but looking back at my first one three years ago improvement has been made. :]
Not in any particular order but these span from January and February.
I meant to post this weekend but got distracted with a video game. >___>
This past weekend I actually didn't go to the Portrait group. I was beat and exhausted this past week. For these kind of drawings/paintings I need to be in the zone to focus or it just comes out bad and its frustrating to just push paint around on a crappy painting.
Anyways I am not too good with plugging in and figuring out wire connections. After a month of trying to figure out how to plug my gamecube to my tv I finally did it. I wanted to re-play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. It is one of my favorite games. This would be my third time playing the game to completion.
Wish Nintendo would port this game and give it HD treatment with online multiplayer capabilities.

The Soundtrack to this game is awesome. It has a unique rustic sound to it. I forgot what instruments were used but it's pretty cool. Wouldn't jam out to this all the time though.
FF Crystal Chronicles OST
Monster's Dance ~Rondo~
Magic is Evcrything
Today Arrives, Becoming Tomorrow
Shudder, Monster
He replied, "That is way over my head." Pun totally intended.
I look forward to it along with the quick gesture drawings.
Sometimes I have awesome portrait drawings and other times the painting looks terrible but it is fun and fascinating to draw and paint portraits. Improvement and progress is slow at times but looking back at my first one three years ago improvement has been made. :]
Not in any particular order but these span from January and February.
The light plays tricks on light hazel eyes.
At times it can look blue, green, brown or another color.
When this happens I have to ask the model what color their eyes are.
It is interesting to walk around the room when this happens because
almost everyone has a different eye color in each painting.
Instead the answer this time was different.
She has heterochromia. Where the eyes are
two different colors. She had one hazel and blue eye.
I always save the eyes for last so I didn't have a chance to paint it.
Least I have a reference photo.
Same model some weeks later but different make up and hairstyle.
G is always a pleasure to draw because she changes her appearance.
G is always a pleasure to draw because she changes her appearance.
Art teachers constantly remind you to Sqiuint! Squint! Squint!
Squint your eyes so you can truly see!
See the different value changes and planes in your subject.
I just got new glasses this past week so I could actually see.
When I did this painting I literally could not see the model's eyes.
For awhile I could see better with my contacts than with my glasses.
With all my focus and concentration the details were all a blur.
When I took the reference photo I was able to see the detail she
put in her eyeshadow and eyeliner makeup design.
At times with the figure drawing group I get annoyed
when they constantly hire models that are young pretty girls.
When this pattern happens I boycott the group for a bit.
I like to draw and analyze different kinds of people!
Recently we have been getting fantastic models.
I literally have the same drawing from another week in this exact same pose...
With another person. There are different drawing groups on different days headed by
different people.
Last week's surprise and fun challenge.
This is the same person from the top of the page.
For once I got to the Drawing group on time.
Usually I'm 30-60 minutes late on average.
When I arrived one of the artists was in a hurry to leave because
she didn't want to draw the veil.
It was fun but self inflicting torture to draw the veil and portrait in less
than 3 hours or so.
You wouldn't believe how much reveiling puns
Alex and I unveiled and came up with.
It was fantastic. She and I were on a roll.
I meant to post this weekend but got distracted with a video game. >___>
This past weekend I actually didn't go to the Portrait group. I was beat and exhausted this past week. For these kind of drawings/paintings I need to be in the zone to focus or it just comes out bad and its frustrating to just push paint around on a crappy painting.
Anyways I am not too good with plugging in and figuring out wire connections. After a month of trying to figure out how to plug my gamecube to my tv I finally did it. I wanted to re-play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. It is one of my favorite games. This would be my third time playing the game to completion.
Wish Nintendo would port this game and give it HD treatment with online multiplayer capabilities.

The Soundtrack to this game is awesome. It has a unique rustic sound to it. I forgot what instruments were used but it's pretty cool. Wouldn't jam out to this all the time though.
FF Crystal Chronicles OST
Monster's Dance ~Rondo~
Magic is Evcrything
Today Arrives, Becoming Tomorrow
Shudder, Monster
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