I listen to a variety of music. Almost anything except the genres techno and country music. I have this weird story that I went to a country music concert...that I won't talk about online. >__> It is an embarrassing funny story.
The other day I decided to check up on one of my all time favorite groups is a Korean group called Clazziquai. It means Classic Jazz group. Every time I get hyped about an album
from a favorite artist I get severely disappointed.
I was initially excited for the album Blessed a few years ago and the
only song I liked from it is was Blessed.
Or another time I was really looking forward to CYNE's All my Angles are Right, and then I only liked the songs they released for their promos. The only exception to the rule is Solillaquists of Sound. They are my favorite hip-hop collective and I practically like all of their songs.
(They need to release some new tracks soon!! Please!)
With my basic research I come to find out I haven't checked any of their releases for a few years. I had two un-listened albums to listen to. I heard their most recent album Travellers and was instantly spellbound. I bought it after only listening to it half of the album. All the music and track list it just flowed. There was also Blink, and there was several songs I liked from there.
Finding the right music at times gets me into the zone to work. At times If I listen to 1 single genre for an extended period of time I get sleepy. Or if it is intense concentration mode I'll listen to 1 song for like and hour plus.
2. Dangerous
3. #Curious
4. Sweet Life
A few of my favorite songs from there.
My favorite song so far from this album is 6. Make up Break up.I have no idea what they are saying but it sounds good. Unlike American songs where I have to listen to something maybe 30+ times to maybe just get a gist of the lyrics. I can listen to a foreign song a few times and pick up the lyrics. I'm not sure if this stems from that they don't mean literal words to me or the fact when my sister and I were younger my mom she spook Tagalog to us. Unfortunately I just know words I am not supposed to...haha Don't piss me off! Or maybe it is a mix of both.

I thought and still think its "bun"
This album Beat Studies Lesson One is a dope one too.
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