One hobby I have is
I like to bake pasteries, cakes, cookies etc.
But I can't do it 8hrs a day five times a week.
I like to make them if I know they will be eaten and enjoyed by other people.
But I can't do it 8hrs a day five times a week.
I like to make them if I know they will be eaten and enjoyed by other people.
I bake from scratch.
A fellow baker nick-named me an experimental chef. I don't measure. I get gist of a recipe and re-arrange it. To me its like painting. If you know what ingredients(colors) you can use and the effect it has then you can pick and choose want you want to do.
I frustrated a relative of mine when if a recipe is requested I really make it scientific where its either a dash, smidget, taste, or how it smells or something.
Someone asked me if I was any good and I said better than Betty Crocker. Sorry Betty.

Make sure your ingredients like butter, eggs are room temperature. Too hot and it'll be mushy when you mix it and if too cold its hard to mix its really clumpy.
I live in a high altitude one way to retain moisture in your cakes is add about 1/4 cup of flour to your mix.
****For all those people who make dry cookies that will be hard as rock in 24 hours try adding just only 2 egg yolks besides the standard 2 or four eggs
A fellow baker nick-named me an experimental chef. I don't measure. I get gist of a recipe and re-arrange it. To me its like painting. If you know what ingredients(colors) you can use and the effect it has then you can pick and choose want you want to do.
I frustrated a relative of mine when if a recipe is requested I really make it scientific where its either a dash, smidget, taste, or how it smells or something.
Someone asked me if I was any good and I said better than Betty Crocker. Sorry Betty.
I made some rice krispies for a fund raiser last mouth. People make such a big deal about just buy them but they are real easy to make.
Rice Krispies are terribly easy to make 1 bag of mini marshmellows. About a stick of butter about a quarter box of krispy cereal. Melt it on the stove and stir it viola!
I added red food coloring and shaped them in balls. I used rubber gloves sprayed with pam for easy molding. The red food coloring was like a blood color so what little that got on me looked like I just came out of a zombie video game.
I did about 50+ little balls 1hour worth of work!

I made 2 huge batches. One in a regular large pot and another in a wok. The wok heated up faster and melted everything pretty evenly. Wok it!
Baking tips
Make sure your ingredients like butter, eggs are room temperature. Too hot and it'll be mushy when you mix it and if too cold its hard to mix its really clumpy.
I live in a high altitude one way to retain moisture in your cakes is add about 1/4 cup of flour to your mix.
****For all those people who make dry cookies that will be hard as rock in 24 hours try adding just only 2 egg yolks besides the standard 2 or four eggs
You dont need the egg separator tool just use the egg shells to
shift the egg whites out of the yolk.
Insert bragging rights.
< When I bake something it never lasts a day.
One time I made pumpkin cheesecake for thanksgiving and it lasted for about 6hrs.
Cheesecake is fun to make but one has to like wait till cream cheese is on sale or else it'll cost a lot.
Cheesecake is fun to make but one has to like wait till cream cheese is on sale or else it'll cost a lot.
In my rules of a champion. (for video gaming)
2) I never trash talk because I can back every word up so therefore it ain't trash.
2) I never trash talk because I can back every word up so therefore it ain't trash.
Formal Tagalog: Thank you very much.
A few months ago I asked this Filipino lady I was acquainted with what is a good recipe for sinigang there is so many of them. She was shocked and asked me the names of all of the Filipino food I liked. In the end she invited me over for dinner along with my good friend and not to tell anyone else because they would get jealous. She later admitted the reason why she was surprised because I pronounced sinigang perfectly. (Its like saying sinygaong)It was wonderful she made all of the food I remember from my childhood. Even this one desert I never knew the name of until now biningka.
I was so happy I almost cried a few times. ;]
So since she was leaving the country I wanted to return the favor.
I made some brownies this week. Chopping up baker's chocolate makes it really rich. The last time I made brownies this one lady who has adopted me as a child and likes to buy me snacks said I should get my brownies endorsed by Shark Tank. She really liked how moist and rich they were.
For measuring dry goods fill the measuring cup and then use a knife to scrap off the access so its nice and even to the edge of the cup.
Dial tones...The flow is a lyrical smoothie in the short version. The real song takes about 9 minutes of your time.
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