It's almost Tuesday anyway.
One thing you need in your digital art arsenal is a Smudge Guard.

Usually drawing on paper or the likes a little bit of the side of your hand will hit your drawing surface unless you are using a paintbrush. Then your hand should not have contact with the surface. Less traction means less fluid drawing you are going to get. Means increased frustration levels of not achieving the drawings you want.
When I first purchased a Smudge Guard I had a Wacom Intuos 4 which had a little grain in the cover sheet to give a paper tooth effect. It was hard to draw on at first and at the time I purchased it I was starting to get symptoms of Carpal Tunnel.
I have my tablet on my angled lap.
Desperate for answers I scoured the internet. I didn't want to wear a brace. I fixed my setup with not supporting my wrists. I started this new habit some odd years ago and its questionable I generally work with my feet up on the desk. Go figure.
Smudge Guard SG2 came out around the time I stumbled on to the Smudge guard I decided to go with the SG2 because I noticed my other finger could affect traction as well.
I cannot work without it and sometimes I can't start anything until I find it.
It's quick and easy to order one. Print out the guide place your hand on the chart to determine what size you need. Then pick your design. And order it and just wait for it to arrive.
I still have my original one. I don't remember if I have the xs or the small one.
Another thing I endorse shamelessly.
I always repeat this story. To justify my cause.
About 4 years ago I guess. My sister went out of town to finish school and we skyped. I acted normal yappty yap yap yap. She noticed I had my smudge guard on and at first she was like I know you are not wearing that for stylistic purposes. Do you have a goth phase going on? I told her what it helps with my wacom tablet. Traction and etc. She told me that's a pretty badass glove.
So every time I work I gear up put my headphones on and put on my badass glove. It feels badass. Although my hand are no longer oily it helps my hand glide across the tablet.
Even my own personal cartoon has a smudge guard!! So get one!!
One of the two party jams the other is an Earth Wind and Fire song.
There is never a good party if these songs aren't played.
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