Happy New Year

 Happy New Year to all! Hope this year gets better for everyone. Stay safe and hopeful.Hang

Space Force

     Over the Thanksgiving weekend I watched the Netflix show Space Force. I actually

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Sketch

Just wanted an excuse to render blue hair. This was originally was going to be a torso up drawing and

Practice, Practice, Vector Work

Back to basics basics, practicing my shapes and pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. Finally get the

Inktober 2020

 Once again October and Inktober is here! 2020 is almost over? Man so much has happened. For

Seattle Move

 I moved to Seattle 3 weeks ago! And I LOVE it here!Moving and traveling to many places on my

August Figure Drawing

In these times searching for some sense  of  normalcy of pre-pandemic times is totally scared.

Recovering Covid: My Story Pt. 2

Homemade beef stew Version 2 with my own grown chivesI was sick with covid for about 3-4 weeks. The